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Why doesn't she accept my fb friend request? - Printable Version

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Why doesn't she accept my fb friend request? - 815 - 05-10-2014 09:20 AM

I'm 100% sure that this girl likes me and has stared at me in school for about 2 years now. Her friend have said aloud that she likes me multiple times as well. So, why hasn't she accept my friend request or followed me back on instagram when she follows my friends back? I know for a fact that she's seen both, for the record. But why does she do this?

- Emily - 05-10-2014 09:35 AM

I'm guessing it's becuase of nervousness.

- Evan - 05-10-2014 09:41 AM

She probably doesn't like you

- Brian B - 05-10-2014 09:51 AM

Who cares, it's social media...try talking to her in real life! Don't hide behind a screen to talk to her! But to actually answer the question, it's probably either nervousness, or she wants you to think about her (and it's working).

- Jordan - 05-10-2014 09:56 AM

I have the same experiences. I was in 6th grade once and knew a girl liked me that I met at camp and she would friend meh, but I know she had some liking for me. maybe you need to get to know her better. try asking her y she wont friend u or follow u. mite help.