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My 16 year old boyfriend flirts alot via facebook? - Printable Version

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My 16 year old boyfriend flirts alot via facebook? - Amber - 05-10-2014 09:30 AM

My boyfriend whom is 16 and is also my best friend gave me his facebook password awhile ago. I never really considered stalking him but a few things came up on my news feed and i was so tempted to just see what was going on. I found some things in his inbox with girls pretty much acting as if he was single e.g. "we need to turn this down a notch because i like you and i don't want to ruin things more with amber", "i wouldn't tuned you if i didn't have amber", "i couldn't get something from you if you know what i mean Wink cause you're fucking hot" , "i'll smash your box" and he told another girl before we went out that he couldn't decide between me and her. He also told one of his guy friends 'i hope my girlfriend puts out soon'. I confronted him with the things he said to the girls as they were obviously hurtful. He said he'd stop and claims he was 'hacked' which i know is complete bullshit although he admitted to saying he wished i'd put out. He claims he doesn't really mean it and that he'll wait until i'm ready. He was a well known flirt and he still seems to be despite me confronting him. It's not at the level he was at before but he comments on girls photos with things like (.Y.) and "putting sprouters on lay by", "you're fucking hot" etc etc...

i want to know if i'm over reacting or if you'd also feel hurt, i also want to know what to do about it since it makes me feel about 500 times more self conscious and as if im being compared to these girls who are perfect. It's a different story when im actually with him, although he calls girls hot when watching movies and some of my friends as if it's not big deal...
*could get things from you

- Colin Garrard - 05-10-2014 09:45 AM

Get rid of him., if he two times you on the smut site, he will do so in real life.

- Smurf NYC - 05-10-2014 09:54 AM

No offence but he sounds like a big ASSHOLE! i'm not telling you to but i think you should break up (Honestly not telling you to just suggesting) but its not much of a big deal with him saying girls are hot in movies loads of people do that.. Because it's not as if he will get with the Actress or whoever is on TV, but yeah he sounds like a flirt and just wants the attention from girls.. i wouldn't say he is cheating on you or has but i'm sure he just wants loads of attention.

- Bytiusâ„¢ - 05-10-2014 10:01 AM

You're not overreacting. I would feel hurt also. He sounds like a player, even if he restrains himself to the online world.

He definitely does not sound like an acceptable boyfriend and if I were in your position, I'd likely leave him, but I do not know you nor your relationship's properties, and therefore this is merely a suggestion.

That aside, he has also violated the Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities section 4.8: You will not share your password, (or in the case of developers, your secret key), let anyone else access your account, or do anything else that might jeopardize the security of your account.

See more at

- 915 - 05-10-2014 10:11 AM

unfortunately the overwhelming majority of 16 year old boys are just like him i never wanted to mistreat any girl at his age but a steady girl friend felt like a ball and chain but girls and women want commitment and i needed sex its quite the conundrum don't expect any man to be interested in a long term relation ship until hes in his late 20s or early 30 mamas boys and losers the exception sorry to be so harsh just an accurate guide map PS you shouldn't feel self conscious personally i think if you go blonde you'll look a lot like Britney spears every mans fantasy