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What should I do about this situation? - Printable Version

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What should I do about this situation? - Kelly louise - 05-10-2014 09:33 AM

Couldn't think of a very good title to put for this.

So basically last year on my Facebook profile on my intrests it said I was interested in both men and women. My sister seen this and she asked me was I bisexual I said no and then she was like don't lie to me so I just said yes. I was confused about it if I was straight or lesbian so that's the reason I changed it on my FB interests and she seen it. I'm still not sure if in straight, bi or a lesbian and it's really confusing me I do like boys and girls but I'm not sure about sex with either as I haven't had sex with men or women so in confused and not sure ATM. I told my sister not to tell my mum as I was unsure if I even was.

She ended up telling her because she said she was "concerned about me" anyway she told her like June/July last year and my mum hasn't said anything to me about it, I think she thinks that I don't know she knows.

Anyway just before we was watching on the news sometimes about gays in Uganda because they don't support it and can get jailed because of it and some women was saying people who aren't out of the closet yet and my mums boyfriend turned around and said something to me like 'yeah' or in other words saying yes they should as I haven't told her yet. Then my mum said "i don't see why" but I wasn't really paying attention so I didn't hear properly but it was something like that. I just turned around and said what and they didn't say anything but I new what they was getting at.

So anyway the thing is i'm not even sure if I even am gay or anything that's why I haven't sayid anything to anyone but lately they keep talking about gays and things like that which made me knew that they already "knew" I was, even tho I don't even know yet.

I'm not really sure what to do as most people think that I am gay and it's even making me feel like I probley am because of this it's just really annoying me.

- esmerelda - 05-10-2014 09:41 AM

Tell your mother that you know your sister told her you were gay. Tell her your sister is probably just doing it for attention because you aren't even sure yourself, and ask her if she has any questions. Also, ask her NOT to discuss you with her boyfriend. It's none of his business.