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how to talk to my crush on fb ??? ladies advice pls (10pts)? - Printable Version

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how to talk to my crush on fb ??? ladies advice pls (10pts)? - Curtis - 05-10-2014 11:09 AM

I was in a class with a girl i found very attractive, the problem is we never talked to each other cus she sat in the front while i would sit in the back. Anyways, we knew each other's names by the teacher calling rolll..etc..any ways semester ended and I added her on FB a few months ago and chatted with her about class for a while, but it didn't go anywhere. I deleted my old fb, for personal reason, then created a new one about a month i added her again, and she accepted again... It's been months since I talked to her and I want to try many messages should i write before i ask her for her number or to hang out? and how would you do so?

- Chris - 05-10-2014 11:16 AM

Tough spot. I'm in a similar one. You just have to talk to her is all

- Miles - 05-10-2014 11:29 AM

okay dog, first off, dotn worry about Fb right now, i find that talking first on fb kills it, for me atleast, because it so awk in real life. just talk to her face to face, about something random, and be funny, it might seem hard at first be keep busy and just be yourself, then add her on fb or txt her, just take it slow brodie

- Kiera - 05-10-2014 11:45 AM

just talk about what you like me and my crush talk all the time. go for it. what do you like, ask what she likes.