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Is this the correct name for global warmers? - Printable Version

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Is this the correct name for global warmers? - kano - 05-10-2014 11:25 AM​

- Mike - 05-10-2014 11:35 AM

Nah, they are not feeding off the climate. They are making the climate feed off of their theories. No matter what the climate, they declare the climate in line with what they theorize. Perhaps mutual symbiosis is possible.

- BB - 05-10-2014 11:39 AM

"Climate Parasites"......................How appropriate. I think I like it.

- Wag - 05-10-2014 11:47 AM

Sounds good I like it

- MAXX - 05-10-2014 11:56 AM

Climate Parasites is good. Climate Cultists is another one I like. "Warmists" is really too mild.

Climatists is descriptive but not one of my favorites. I think the best term is Eco-Fascist, it's not only descriptive and accurate, it also has a nice 'ring' to it.

Climate scammers is another one that's not bad.

Of course Dr. Roy is just calling them Nazis. Why not? They like calling us deniers.


- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - 05-10-2014 12:03 PM

"Climate Parasites" An excellent choice!

They want to dump their waste products into the atmosphere, where it becomes every one else's problem...

- Gary F - 05-10-2014 12:19 PM

>>It is a basic principle of psychological warfare that the side that controls the language of the argument controls the argument.<<

And it is a principle that Deniers know well - as the above attempt at deception demonstrates - since it is the only thing they have. Deniers have no evidence and no scientific support for their lies. And, the fact that most of them are science-idiots makes it impossible for them to do anything other than lie.

- Pindar - 05-10-2014 12:29 PM

the article is an accurate piece of prose.

- Sagebrush - 05-10-2014 12:38 PM

Great article. Notice all you who doubt my word. The authors of that article must have been reading my pronouncements. Especially on the part of Goebbels.

Climate parasites is good but not as good as 'evil, double crossing, backstabbing, lying, people hating, tree hugging, Gore worshiping, data falsification Goebbels' disciples'. That is as far as I can go without being banned for life from this site. Maybe NNG (for Not Nice Guys) would do, also. But Climate Parasites, I can live with that.

- antarcticice - 05-10-2014 12:53 PM

So only yesterday there was yet another question from a denier about "how rude alarmists are" and the very next day we have this, and you seriously have to ask why you are labeled a denier. If you spent some time asking real questions with real sources instead of this sort childish nonsense perhaps people would not call you a denier.

Simple questions like why do deniers use 1998 as the starting point of claimed cooling when it is clearly far warmer than the effects of AGW would cause. As 1998 was warmed by a record El Nino the spike that caused is quite obvious in the temperature record yet denier continue to try we have cooled since this spike year, when we quite clearly have not.
Claiming cooling with 1998 as the starting point has never really worked, yet deniers continue to try and do just that and ignore the real reason 1998 was as warm as it was.