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What is Facebook???? - Printable Version

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What is Facebook???? - DidiH - 05-10-2014 11:39 AM

All my friends keep telling i need to get on facebook. But i dont know what it is or how it works??? i just want to know the ins and outs of it...

- steventhree1three - 05-10-2014 11:49 AM

its like myspace but u have to be invited to it by someone that goes to ur school

- Celeste A - 05-10-2014 12:01 PM

It's another internet blogging site, but it's for college students only. Like, you have to have a college email address to use it.

- Redeemer - 05-10-2014 12:16 PM

It's like MySpace, but way better.

First of all, you need to be in a college/university to be able to register for one. And no, shiitty junior colleges don't make the cut. Examples include Stanford, Harvard, and all the UC universities. So if you're some little punk kid, no, you cannot have one. You have to be smart to be in it. That's why I like Facebook: because it's elitist. And I'm proud to be in that club! It's because of Facebook that I've given up all hope on MySpace, that little kiddy immature website.

- ozmania87 - 05-10-2014 12:29 PM

The Redeemer is wrong on several accounts. You don't have to be a college student to have a account. You can have a high school account if you receive an invitation from someone or you can have a work account. Junior/Community Colleges do have accounts even though a lot of them don't. Colleges that don't have an account can set themselves up for one.

"Facebook is a social utility that helps people better understand the world around them. Facebook develops technologies that facilitate the spread of information through social networks, allowing people to share information online the same way they do in the real world. Anyone with a valid email address from a supported organization, company, college or high school can register for Facebook. They can then create profiles to connect with friends, share interests, join groups, send messages, write notes and post photos." -