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Internet at home has slowed down alot within the last 3 weeks.? - Printable Version

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Internet at home has slowed down alot within the last 3 weeks.? - 436 - 05-10-2014 01:11 PM

Internet at home has slowed down alot within the last 3 weeks.

We are at 3mbps Download and like .5mbps upload. So i think

3mbps is quite slow, that something is happening to cause it to

be weak. We have frontier, westell 7500 dsl modem/ router.

Router/ modem has no security what so ever, could someone have

caused it to slow down?

Takes forever to load a webpage. Or do anything in that matter.

3 weeks ago my computer crashed, it blue screened. Had to put

new ram in it. It now works. After that internet seem to take a

dump. And hasnt been the same since then. Could something on my

computer cause wifi to slow down?

So we live on a hill and we dont have any close neighbors and

im trying to convience my dad to put a ((wep key) or some other

security) on the wifi to protect it, but he doesnt want to

cause, if somone wanted to hack our wifi they would have to sit

in our drive way to do it. And doesnt want to remember the

password. But isnt some sort of protection better than nothing?

Can out dated firmware on modem/ router cause internet/ wifi to

slow down?
Could one of my out dated drivers on my computer

cause wifi to slow down?
What could cause the wifi/ internet to drastically decrease in


Can i get some help please?

- Helen - 05-10-2014 01:18 PM

I would definitely put a password on it, even if it's just 1234 or something like that it's better than nothing, and relating to the speed I would call your ISP about it, because then they would be able to see if there is a problem with the lines and if there is they would be able to fix it, and also check how much usage you've used for the month, that may be the reason that it has slowed down, you can do that by going to your isp's website so if it's Telstra go to, then login and go to your account setting, if you don't know your login details you can always get them from your ISP.

- Omit - 05-10-2014 01:21 PM

If you're only experiencing this issue from one PC, then that PC may be the cause of the slowness and will need a check up. If you have noticed this from more than 1 PC, and you have recycled the connection, and you know that your not getting the speed you payed for (test speed here, then get in contact with Frontier, and tell them you're not getting the speed you payed for. Keep in mind though, that some internet service providers throttle their customers internet speed for certain reasons, downloading movies etc.

How to recycle your internet connection:

Also you may be able to locate foreign device stealing your internet connection by logging into your modem and looking around for DHCP, attached devices, or what ever its called in the settings menu, maybe "my network".

- V. Perkins - 05-10-2014 01:29 PM

- Your router's probably fine, and if you live in the boonies, your dad's right, no one's gonna mess with your Wi-Fi. He's lazy, but he's right.

- How fast is your DSL supposed to be? xxx Mbps up/ yyy Mbps down

- Have you tried surfing on another computer in your house? How did it do? Is your computer the only one with a slow Internet browser?

- Let's concentrate on your laptop/desktop. New RAM you say? How much did you put in and how much does your system say is available? How much total RAM are you supposed to have?

- Make/model and OS you're using?

- Is your swap file large enough? (Control Panel, System, Advanced, Performance, Advanced, Virtual Memory, Change, check out the size recommendation and make sure you're close to it) Reboot if you made a change to the size.

- Have you checked the size of your Internet Explorer Temp file? Emptied it recently? (Tools, Internet Options, under Browsing History -- click Settings and make sure your Temp file is at least 200 MB or larger. Click "OK" when done, then click "Delete" to clean it out.)
- Close IE and restart it.

- Try surfing the web again.
- If it still feels slow, move closer to the router and try surfing again. Is it faster? No change?

- Post the results when you get a chance.
- For extra credit, bring up a CMD window, issue the 'ipconfig /all' command, then copy & paste the listing in your question's Additional Details section.

Consider downloading and running the free versions of:
- CCleaner (
- Malwarebytes (