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Cute staranger guy accepted my request on fb, what should i do now?ILL ANSWER URS FAST? - Printable Version

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Cute staranger guy accepted my request on fb, what should i do now?ILL ANSWER URS FAST? - 360 - 05-10-2014 01:39 PM

Okay so I'm not sure but lately I've been feeling attraction towards this one guy who is a senior in my school and he's leaving school in a month. He doesn't know me, and I don't know him. And I sometimes see him in the halls, but not very often. I see him hanging out with a girl, but in a friendly way. She is from his class. I don't think she is his gf but idk. I'm a shy person and well I'm a year younger. Yesterday I added him on fb and he immediately accepted the request even though we had no mutal friends.I wanna get to know him but Im too awkward to just come up and talk to him but i will probably never see him again after he leaves school! I was thinking maybe to message him on fb? I dont wanna seem lame or embarrassed next time i pass him in the halls! Also dont know if i should what should i msg him? Advice please!

p.s. Is it very lame to do stuff like that on fb insted of real life?

- johnb693 - 05-10-2014 01:54 PM

If you ask me, fb is based on lame stuff.
But you requested to friend him and he said yes. But on the short time, I was on FB, I got many requests, from friends of friends, and I had no real idea, who they really were.
At least, you know this guy, and share the same school.
So send him a short note, just to say hi and see what he does, in return.
If he replies then perhaps, you can stop and talk in the hallway.
Nothing may happen, especially as he's a senior and leaving school, but worth a shot anyway.