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How much should I charge for website work? - Printable Version

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How much should I charge for website work? - Nicolas M - 05-10-2014 01:58 PM

All I need to do is add a page and do some seo. The page is just some html, java, and maybe php. And the seo should be easy. I'm a noob though I've only made 4 websites before but I can do it and I learn new stuff really fast. I was going to charge 30-50 an hour and it would only take me like 2-4 hours with no problems but they want a set price.. What do you think it should be 150? 200?

- Aaron - 05-10-2014 02:08 PM

Charge whatever you think your time is worth.

I always over quote rather than under quote because I found that in my experience, clients rarely knew exactly what they wanted so jobs sometimes must include extra's that were not accounted for in the original quote.

By charging more rather than less, your clients will be happy that you continue to work with them until they are satisfied. At least this has been my experience.

- Katie - 05-10-2014 02:22 PM

If you are working for 2-4 hours than the rate should be 200 per hour and it will be the best.

- Willow - 05-10-2014 02:34 PM

@Katie $200 an hour is a ridiculous amount. That will completely rip off your customer.

For small projects, the best way to go is to take the time you think it will take and double it. So if you think it will take 4 hours, charge for 8. Between 30-50 an hour is a good price depending on how much back end work you will be doing.