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How do I get my fiancé to stop cheating? - Printable Version

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How do I get my fiancé to stop cheating? - 493 - 05-10-2014 04:02 PM

My fiancé and I have been engaged for a year now. I run or household. I buy him cigarettes I give him whatever he wants. Well, I recently found out that he has another woman at work that has been giving him money as well. I found out about that and cussed that woman out on facebook. Then, I found messages in his phone where he was talking to a really young girl. Apparently he had given this young girl a ring and told tried to get her pregnant numerous time. She texted him and said "What if I'm pregnant" and he said "I would be happySmile I love you a lot baby" They then started talking about having sex again so she could try to get pregnant again. I KNOW he loves me. I think he is just using this young girl. How do I get him to sop cheating and want me again? Please help me?
He is cheating with two women btw. The older woman(who gives him money) and the younger one.

- Ken - 05-10-2014 04:05 PM

Break off your engagement with this jerk tonight. Move out of the house, or better throw the bum out. A guy who will cheat during engagement WILL cheat during marriage. Do not put up with it.

This jerk DOES NOT love you. He is using you. You are enabling him. Stop the pain now.

- LilyRT - 05-10-2014 04:18 PM


you can't change someone cheating this flagrantly.

- Taylor - 05-10-2014 04:21 PM

It isn't considered cheating if he doesnt have you as his fiancé anymore....Haha, but seriously, dumb this sorry loser.

- Zuri - 05-10-2014 04:27 PM

He is not someone that you need in your life. Being with him is toxic for you. Also, he's cheating now with two women, so he's definitely not going to stop. He's using all three of you, and although it hurts, you should really leave him.

- Juniper - 05-10-2014 04:32 PM

Are you nuts? He doesn't love you. Unload this loser NOW; he'll never stop cheating because he's a cheater, and cheaters cheat. They don't love anyone.

- sid_spaztic - 05-10-2014 04:41 PM

You want him to stop then you need to hire some muscle to scare him straight. Publicly shame and humiliate him in front of his friends and family. Let them all know what he's been doing. Then, go up to both those women in person and talk to them about self respect. If they had any they wouldn't be fooling around with a married man. Although in truth if you had any you wouldn't still be trying to convince yourself that he loves you and you would have left him by now. Throwing in the towel on this guy is not the same as letting those other women win. You need to be strong and ruthless.

- Moreen - 05-10-2014 04:56 PM

GIIIRRRLLLLLFRRIIIENNNDDDD. Okay so. Listen, because i've seriously got some advice for you. This "man" that "loves" you is wayy over his head. You guys are ENGAGED. not even married and he cheats on you TWICE? With different women? This is so ridiculous! I feel like you love him so much you believe that he can change but the fact is, once a cheater, always a cheater. I mean think about it. IF it was you r friend, mom, sibling, wouldn't you tell them the same. I think you need to just step aside and breathe. Realize that This guy is not worth your time and energy. I know it's difficult to let go on something like this but If you don't end this, I promise you this marriage will not go anywhere. Find someone else that truly loves you and cares for you.

- David - 05-10-2014 05:10 PM

People rarely change their basic behaviour much. What he's doing now is what he'll continue to do as long as it works for him.
So one option is that he's simply such a loving guy that he just can't limit his love to one person at a time, even if he knows that it hurts you.
In which case you'll just have to decide if you're willing to accept sharing him with other women. If the other women gets pregnant, you'll be sharing his paycheck with them too.
Or he simply hasn't realized that him keeping another woman hurts you. Some guys do get caught up in this "player" myth that they actually think they're entitled to behave like that.
Or he's simply a no-good cheat.
The key here to me is when you say" I KNOW he loves me. ....How do I get him to .....want me again?"
IF he loved you, then he'd want you. If he's having sex with other women and not you, break it up. Heck, break it up anyhow - he's a serial cheater, and very unlikely to change.
Don't blame the women, he made himself avaliab

- Keysha J - 05-10-2014 05:26 PM

Well I look at cheating this way. You can't stop someone from doing they are not ready and want to do it for themselves. I mean like people who trying to stop taking drugs or drinking, or smoking. We can ask to stop but they would have to stop doing for themselves. So like all those things I talking about drinking, drugs, smoking. Well I feel like cheating is a part of that too because you can tell someone to stop and don't it again till you turn blue in the face, but into they will want to stop on their own what we saying don't mean sh-t. Also you have said you have cuss one women already from fooling around with you man. But to tell you the truth you shouldn't blame the women because she not the because it not her fully her fault your man keep going over her house and putting his penis in her hold. You need to face it your man is a man ho. Who want stop until something happen. So you have 2 choice leave him and don't look back or deal with it.