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Feeling depressed after being cyber bullied? - Printable Version

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Feeling depressed after being cyber bullied? - 787 - 05-10-2014 06:43 PM

Yesterday i asked this girl on instagram for likes for likes then she asked me for a shoutout for shoutout and i said yea then i suddenly got too lazy to do hers then she commented on my picture saying that i'm grimy and then blocked me. i went to her page and clicked on her and i asked her why she blocked me and then she said that because i'm ugly thats why. then we went back and forth saying mean things but she hit a lowblow when she commented on instagram (my friend showed me) saying "I wanna know why the ***k this b**** look like a father bear. you gotta get your friends to follow me and try to curse me out LMAOOOOO. Hop tf off my cl**, trynna call me ugly. We both know thats a lie xD Why would you even attempt to say you look better than me? I'm disgusted. Your eyebrows look like scattered ants and you got ya lil orange friend to come at me. NAH. I know ya ugly a** lurkin so go ahead and go on my ask fm and talk sh**." then people commented laughing emojis and supported her and said im ugly anyway and they commented on my neck saying i have rolls and she asked if i wanted some butter with the rolls :/...
truth is i feel bad about my stomach and my eyebrows and face because my eyebrows ARE scattered kind of and i have like barely any and when i raise my eyes it creates lines and makes it seem like none are there. and my stomach it shows through shirts (the fat) and makes me insecure. Scared to wax my eyebrows cause it will look like i dont have any at all.

- debbie - 05-10-2014 06:58 PM

Don't let people put you down! She might be pretty or something but not everything is about the looks! You might have the nicest personality ever! And that shows she's jealous about how you look and that she's just mad that you didn't give her a shout out! Just let them go cause your beautiful no matter what! Never don't ever let anyone bring you down because of what you look like cause that can change in the future! Looks change over time so what matters the most is the personality! If she just wants to be mean like that to you ignore her cause that's just gonna make you feel more bad about yourself when some people might admire you or think your the prettiest person ever! She's not the only person in the world! Keep your head held high and don't let bullies being you down!

- rin - 05-10-2014 07:02 PM

That really sucks! First you should make a new fresh account and block the poeple on your old account who were being mean to you. If you feel insecure about your weight than loss weight if you feel insecure about your eyebrows than wax them and see how it looks, if it looks bad then you'll now to never wax your eyebrows again but if it looks good then your insecurity about your eyebrows will go away. When your on your new Instagram account follow people who are like you and don't follow mean people like the one that made you feel bad and if your still insecure about your looks then do what you have to do to make you feel better like get new clothes that make you look good or die your hair or get a haircut
Well hope I helped