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Can the police trace de activated facebook accounts? - Printable Version

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Can the police trace de activated facebook accounts? - 822 - 05-10-2014 09:33 PM

My girlfriend and I are getting disgustingly horrible threats on facebook. Rape and death threats. We went to the police last night and are waiting to hear back from them. The person keeps de activating the account after they have sent a message. Will the police be able to do anything with this as obviously the page is a fake account and I would imagine will contain very little information on its origin. Any help or info much appreciated.

- Piran - 05-10-2014 09:35 PM

IT can trace anything, takes a while but nothing is ever deleted on the servers of these sites.
Moral. Close down your FB account, there is no need to share every minute of your life with so called 'Friends.
What did we do before computers ?

- Kevy - 05-10-2014 09:43 PM

Yes... Police isn't looking for the account... they can't arrest the account... FB can do that.

Police are looking for Location... and with subpoena from your ISP, FB and their ISP... Yes they can get the location of where and when the threat was sent from.

But then again Police wont do this as this cost money and time...

You can hire a private investigator "Ethical Hacker" to get the location and then call the cops to arrest the individual making the threats.

- Chris - 05-10-2014 09:48 PM

Yes you should be able to trace the ip address which will then allow you to find their address and have them arrested. You could probably do it by yourself if you wanted but i cant tell you how to as I think that's illegal.

Unless they are using a 'proxy server' which can change your ip address and hide their details and address

Remember its most likely to be someone you know from school or work, unless your famous.

- Usama Javed - 05-10-2014 10:00 PM

Yes. I'm from Pakistan, and Pakistani Special Investigation Agency arrested such person, who messages to other Pakistani facebook users, that "he will kill them"
They report to police, and Police Department arrest him,
In most of cases Police need Facebook Inc, help,

Best Regards

- Ben - 05-10-2014 10:11 PM

So could the location IP/address still be traced if the account is not active and Been made through an iPhone or iPad and not a laptop? Would a private investigator be able to help? Or would they not be interested? I really want to find out who this person is