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Twitter Issue with followers!? - Printable Version

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Twitter Issue with followers!? - Shovane - 05-11-2014 12:24 AM

Hi! I am getting about 1000-2000 followers every hour on twitter! I dont know what is happening this has been going on for days! I have tried Deactivate and active my account several times for days but it keeps happening again and again! I dont have time to block 2000 people every hour so please if anyone can help me help me! I have sent mail to Twitter several times but they dont respond! If this is some sort of bug could anyone try to help me turn it off or something? When i lock my user i get follower requests that i dont want either beacuse i dont want a locked user i want it to be global so everyone can see my tweets! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!

- *Patrick Face* - 05-11-2014 12:29 AM

More retweets for u

- Noor Punasiya - 05-11-2014 12:35 AM

Whats wrong in getting follower, you are that much popular. I would be happy if I got such much followers in a month even. So, be happy and chill.

Or you can create a new account with a new mail id which is also new, so no one will know that id and you too, then after you can start using it.

- Logan Richardson - 05-11-2014 12:42 AM


nice try, obvious troll. My advice, try removing caps at the end, it makes it sound like your trying to be serious only at the very end, so you needed more caps in the body of your text to make it more appealing. Also, the topic was a poor choice, should've gone with a more corporate approach if you wanted to hook anyone.

- James - 05-11-2014 12:58 AM

Hey man if you wanna boost your twitter followers, check out my in depth guide that I put on fiverr!