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how to get good price on ebay ? - Printable Version

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how to get good price on ebay ? - Roni - 05-11-2014 02:45 AM

Ok.I am new to ebay and recently put ram for selling on ebay. Its put as auction with free shpping. listing will end in 4 days. I have only 1 bid for 2$. whereas the same new one cost around 150$, since its high end ram. I am not expecting to get 150$,but it scares me if no one else bids and i have tosell it for 2$. Should i cancel the bidding and dont ever think of selling there or should i just wait for other bidders. I wont mind selling it for a reasonable price,maybe half of what its selling brand new but not for 2$ . any suggestions plz?

- J - 05-11-2014 02:48 AM

you should have placed a reserve price on it. also read ebay ToS to see what you can do

the really bad news is IF no one else bids it up, you will literally pay them to buy it from you by the time you pay shipping, ebay and paypal fees, and shipping materials

i would be real concerned as well with only that offer on such a high priced item

i would have thought an item like that would sell locally through classifieds pretty quickly with the right price but definitely not $2

- LOTR-FAN - 05-11-2014 02:57 AM

There is always a chance that in any ebay auction there may be only one bidder
Therefore always start it at a reasonable price that you are wanting and anything over that is a bonus OR
Put a reserve price on it - the disadvantage is that you pay for the reserve price even if it dosent sell

I only ever bid in the last 4 seconds and something that was around £50 with a minute to go went up to £103 (me) so it all happens in the last minute BUT if you dont want to take the chance end it and start again at a realistic opening bid

- Carolina - 05-11-2014 03:12 AM

Your best bet is to start a listing at a fixed price of your choice or to start the auction low with the reserve price. That way they have the option of bidding but at the same time if it doesn't go over the price that you choose, it doesn't sell.