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Removing BlockUTubeAde 3.2 Virus? - Printable Version

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Removing BlockUTubeAde 3.2 Virus? - 823 - 05-11-2014 02:46 AM

I heard it's a virus and I'm sure it is.
It brings up random amounts of advertisements and pop-ups to disrupt my browsing.

It's in my extensions list for Google Chrome and doesn't have a trash can icon to remove it. I also can't un-enable it because the check box is gray and unclickable.
The BlockUTubeAde isn't in my "Uninstall or change a program", list either.

Antivirus Softwares aren't picking it up either;
Does anyone know how to completely remove it?
I've searched online but all of them are completely useless.
Thank you.

- addul - 05-11-2014 02:52 AM

Get avast anti virus.

- Sandy - 05-11-2014 02:58 AM

use junkware removal tool and adWcleaner both will do the job use one at a time they are easy to use and then get malwarebytes and run a quick scan all are free get at or

- Apara - 05-11-2014 03:13 AM

I am very freaked out when it comes to getting a virus. so i dont (ABSOLUTELY NEVER, EVER) go to sites that are not really heard of. however, my dad did get such an adware, and antivirus did nothing to get rid of it. This is what I did to clean his computer:

step 1: go to the task manager (right click your taskbar and select task manager), click on the bar that says "processes" one after another, and see how many malicious processes are running. DO NOT go and stop them, but first google them ( tip: a tablet will come handy). note them down. repeat after clicking "services" tab..

step 2: all these have somehow got downloaded and installed on your computer, so they will have a folder in computer/ local disc/ program files (or program files x86). search them and delete them. the search button on top of windows explorer can come really handy while searching them. you can even find these files on control panel/ programes and features, sometimes. if you do, it becomes much, much easier to track the folder. however, deleting has to be done.

step 3: restart your computer, check whether these malicious adware are still on your computer through the task manager.

step 4 (additional): download microsoft security essentials (MSE) from the internet. again, google it. MSE doesn't help much, but it is free and still better that nothing. Also, using google chrome is much better as it uses the similar principle (sandboxing) as apple does so that the computer does not catch a virus. it also stops you from visiting such sites most of the times.

It is time taking, but it is definitely better tat downloading so called free antivirus softwares. that is a big risk one takes for sure.

NOTE: antivirus will probably not work as these adware software are usually harmless. they only lead you to dangerous sites. they are not virus themselves.