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Which sister likes me or do they think I'm weird? 10 points? - Printable Version

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Which sister likes me or do they think I'm weird? 10 points? - 663 - 05-11-2014 08:50 AM

Sister A:
+Looks at me when I'm walking up the street to the bustop sometimes. I caught her looking at me and we stared for 3 seconds until I looked away nervously.
+Sits in front of me most of the time.
+Stared at me once when we saw eachother in the stairwell. Both sisters have gym with me. She stares at me sometimes from across the gym. She looks back up at me on the bleachers while shes at the bottom sitting with her friends. It seems like she only talks to 2 of those girls, the rest talk to her sister. We make a lot of eye contact, but we never smile and we always look away from each other. My friend added her on FB and she accepted, but I'm not doing that b.c I don't know her.
+Her friend looked at me today & laughed while they were in their circle. & she glanced at me while I walked down the hall and we were going opp. ways.

Sister B:
+Doesn't look at me as much, but it seemed like she did in gym today & then she talked to her sister for a long time. She glances at me when I'm making my way up to the bustop.

I'm a senior, I think they are freshman. Didn't want to talk to them b.c i thought they would think i'm weird.

- Erin - 05-11-2014 08:53 AM

They probably dont think you're weird. Do you stare at them a lot without really noticing it? They might stare back, just because you're stairing at them. They probaly look up to you because you're so much older then them, and they're little freshman haha. The best think you can do is say hi to them! Or next time smile Smile

- Erica_Elf - 05-11-2014 08:54 AM

being honest!!, they prob. think your weird, that's weird in general to just stare at someone O.o

- Little Me - 05-11-2014 09:03 AM

LOL, I remember answering your question months ago. When are you going to realize that the second girl likes you and that you should either make a move or let it be?

- Samantha - 05-11-2014 09:09 AM

I think sister A likes you and maybe she told her sister and thats why her sister stares at you sometimes. I think sister A likes you because she stares at you a lot, and having one of her friends look and laugh probably means they were talking about you. It doesnt hurt to try and talk to them. Give it try. Smile