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Opinion on website- is it good? - Printable Version

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Opinion on website- is it good? - Morgan - 05-11-2014 09:57 AM

So I made a website and we need to hear some feedback.
Let us know what you think. Criticism greatly appreciated!

- Liam - 05-11-2014 10:10 AM

Page Not Found .... Maybe you haven't published it to the web? Already i can suggest getting a domain to shorten the URL, get a free .tk one at:

- Aristocrat - 05-11-2014 10:25 AM

I have seen two problems in your website.

1) It is showing "Page Not Found"
2) Domain name should have been better

I know you can solve your 1st problem, i.e youre "page not found" one. But now you can't really do anything about your domain name. Anyways, it's like a small hitch. I'm going to give my feedback on the following basis -

Design - 6/10
User Friendliness - 9/10
Content and Information - 10/10

I hope this review of mine would help you make it better.