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Anyone familiar with the GSA SEO tool? - Printable Version

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Anyone familiar with the GSA SEO tool? - 832 - 05-11-2014 11:55 AM

I've heard a lot about this tool and would like to give it a try but it it kinda expensive so I would like to get more inputs if it's really worth it.. any personal opinion highly appreciated. thank you!

- Jake - 05-11-2014 12:06 PM

Probably just worthwhile for one doing SEO for multiple sites, improper use can get a site penalized, or at least an "unnatural link pattern" warning. You may also have to pay for proxies to properly implement it.

SEnuke is probably a more versatile tool that streamlines various standard SEO processes without being too dark.

- Eliss211 - 05-11-2014 12:17 PM

After the Penguin update many SEO tools become less effective. An SEO specialist friend of mine have conducted some testings between SEO tools including GSA SEO Indexer and SENuke and based on his tests, GSA works better than any of the SEO tools he has tried.

- Hamund - 05-11-2014 12:27 PM

My partner and i highly recommend utilizing Google Search Bot I've got ranked my web site to first page using it.

- stoimen - 05-11-2014 12:44 PM

Hello there! GSA SER is really a great tool, however I have found a couple of problems using it.

First of all it is really, really complicated to use. So if you are a newbie I wouldn't reccomend using it.
Second biggest problems is that it simply sucks at creating link at web 2.0's (which are one of the best links to have for your site)
If you are on a budget and are searching for an all round SEO Software, you should check out Licorne AIO.
Apart from being able to do everything that GSA does, it also provides you with a scraper (if you don't have scrapebox already) and many other cool things.

Me and a friend of mine decided to create tutorials for Licorne AIO so that everybody could learn how to use it and many from it. You can check it out:
Feel free to ask me any questions that you might have.