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how to improve SEO Rating? - Printable Version

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how to improve SEO Rating? - tparvaiz - 05-11-2014 01:36 PM

How can I further improve my website's rating ( on Google...

thanks in advance

- 963 - 05-11-2014 01:45 PM

I would work on many things.Get a good Alexa rank,and begin doing some social bookmarks.
What is your keyword?Many sites suffer because they choose the wrong keyword,or a bad
pick altogether.
The site looks good,I think a little research could help allot.

- Anuj Kumar - 05-11-2014 01:59 PM

You need to do linkbuilding and constant updation of fresh and unique content
link building can be achieved through directory submissions, social bookmarking, pr submissions etc

- Maria - 05-11-2014 02:02 PM

First of all you need to choose appropriate keywords, they should not be very competitive that you are not able to find a good page rank for your site. Do off page and on page posting. Start link building, paid advertising. Keep a track of your traffic through Google analytics, webmasters. For choosing keywords you may also try using Google keyword selector.

- Yamuna R - 05-11-2014 02:11 PM

SEO rating is improved by on page seo and off page seo.

In On Page SEO what will do?
1.Do Keyword research right keywords
3.Choose domain related your business
4.Add Meta Title
5.Add Meta Description
6. write unique content for every page
7.Check Keyword Density
8.Make XML site-map
9.Use anchor txt
10.Use image alt txt
11. Avoid or use limit flash
12.Add robot.txt file
13. design your coding by W3C validator
These are all important factor in On Page SEO. If you follow these things you will get 30% seo ranking from this.

In Off page SEO

1.Link Building
2.Blog commenting
3.Article Submission
4.Directory Submission
5.Forum Posting
6.Press Release
7.Social Bookmarking and Social Networks
8.Paid Submission
9.PPC, Adsense
10. Link Exchange

These all techniques definitely help to improve your seo rating.

- Cristina Saba - 05-11-2014 02:14 PM


there are so many websites which provides the online raking related to development, SEO and design etc like as topseo. So if you want to increase the SEO ranking you have to follow all the rules and regulation which is major by that seo raking provider company.

Hope you understand.

- John Smith - 05-11-2014 02:24 PM

Hi Parviaz.

The best way to improve ranking is generate relevant content on the website. I would suggest you to focus on blogging activities.
The other good way is to get back-links from high PR sites. You can do it by placing comments on blogs, discussion forums and question answer sites.

As per the recent update from Google, now social media engagement is also a important factor in google ranking. You must also focus on Facebook, Google plus promotions.

I would suggest you to follow Mr. Wilson, where you will get information about SEO and ways of making money online. refer