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If your site is not appearing in Google search results because of some unethical SEO practices in the rece? - Printable Version

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If your site is not appearing in Google search results because of some unethical SEO practices in the rece? - 993 - 05-11-2014 02:04 PM

If your site is not appearing in Google search results because of some unethical SEO practices in the recent past, _________________.

I.abandon and close your website permanently.
II.modify the page contents, make them useful and relevant to the human users, and request Google to reconsider your site.
III.start a PPC campaign to get your site included in the sponsored results.

all of them or one or more answer should correct. so answer carefully.

- anne verge - 05-11-2014 02:05 PM

II. modify the page contents, make them useful and relevant to the human users, and request Google to reconsider your site.

Google will re-crawl your site, and if you've made changes to your site to make it ethical again, it will reflect in your results. It takles time for google to re-crawl your site, though. (up to 2-3 months.)

- Janeline Gilberts - 05-11-2014 02:13 PM

III. start a PPC campaign to get your site included in the sponsored results. why? How come you'll request in google to consider you site? Google only recognizes almost all websites done in SEO, so better start your PPC campaign.