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What is the point of twittering and does anyone have an account on - Printable Version

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What is the point of twittering and does anyone have an account on - J. Reed aka TWOTALL4UFOOL - 10-15-2012 10:44 PM

I notice that twitter is getting more and more popular. How is it different from all those other networking sites such as Facebook, and Myspace?

- ilan - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

Imagine sending text message updates from your phone to a profile all your friends, workers, family, etc can see via groups, etc. That's the best pro of twitter, you can sms from anywhere you are and post straight to your profile. Broadcast communications.

- TameBeast - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

That's where Obama is planning to update the country on all the good things he's been doing lately. He twitters all the time.

- auggiehoo - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

The people in the know(and all the money) use twitter. There must be something to it...

- Chi cHi BoO - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

i have one..its lik txt..send a @reply 2 a person & if they're online yu recieve it in a split second. twitter is da ish..i tlk 2 some celebs & upcomin artist...try it

- Dave Matthews - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

Twitter just allows you to type what ever you are thinking or doing. You type something and your friends or followers can view what you type and respond to you. I thought it was stupid until i started playing around with it. I love it now. Something to do when you're bored....def try it out.

check mine out

Good Luck...Have Fun

- Seamonkey - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

Well my first introduction was through a podcast I listened to - they started a website with a forum, so that's like a little community - then they started up a laconica server, and I got an account - so we're all in touch. Now I know what people who listen to the podcast are doing, thinking - and they give me ideas related to the podcast (as a linux user, it generally revolves around problems and issues relating to me)

Twitter is different in that you can't set up your own server - it is closed, and if you leave it behind, you leave your friends behind - it's closed source. Having said that, everyone is on there. Stephen Fry just got in a taxi and is probably just boarding his flight to Singapore.

You can subscribe to anyone. The best way to find out is to follow my link here - you can make an account on both of these, use the same name/password for each, and then just watch and explore.

I've got lots of people listening to me, including StephenFry. I occasionally type in there a message saying what I'm doing - example 'can't work out how to fix identibash' and instantly got a reply which helped me to fix it (and I couldn't find anything at that time on internet. Now if you search, you'll probably find the solution)

It's nothing like instant messaging, but it's pretty current. It's a bit like a blog - which you may or may not have been interested in (for me listening to a podcast it is nice to have a chance to comment and answer points)

Currently, I run a shortcut launcher called gnome-do (works a bit like launchy) which means I can hit Alt+Space and quickly type in something - and I have software (Gwibber is my favourite, but I've tried spaz and others...) but can also keep it running in tabs in my Firefox browser.

Just try it, it's far superior to Facebook and Myspace. For a start, you only click links you want to click. You don't have to load horrible heavy flashy webpages.

You can simply leave it running and ignore it, check for messages written to you.

If you log in, please say hi to me

just type:

@ben2talk - thanks for the tip (from Yahoo Answers)

I find identica offers good privacy for me, but if you notice - all my posts appear to people who use Twitter. (That's what it means 'Twitter is closed' - nobody else can hear you, but with an open format, it does all - I see all and receive all by using to post to both accounts)

- The sandman - 10-15-2012 10:52 PM

Well, if you want to contact hundreds or even thousands of people and let them know about that great new ebook you've just released. Then what better way of making a small fortune overnight?

But how do you get those hundreds and thousands of followers? Well that's easy Stealthymarketer (see resource box) are giving away a free report describing how you can get masses of followers everyday and even automate the process, they should be charging for this information and maybe they will soon. So if you'd like a free copy grab one now. You can even see he software in action on Youtube.