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I'm in love with my guy friend & i'm a guy.? - Printable Version

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I'm in love with my guy friend & i'm a guy.? - Luis - 05-11-2014 03:41 PM

I'm a guy and I have this friend that I have known like forever! Since 6th grade we have talking ever since and he's really like my brother 7th and 8th grade, we haven't really developed that close friendship until this year, my freshman year in high school. The first semester we talked alot over chat and facebook! Sometimes, we even stayed up late talking to each other, I trust him with all my life and if I every never saw him again my life will be OVER he's my bestfriend. Sometimes when we walk together in the hallway it is all weird and it's all awkward and silent like he gets shy or really wants to tell me something. I kind of feel the same way, but the problem is that I like girls and he likes girls. What should I do? I really don't want to waste the friendship we already have.

- Katie - 05-11-2014 03:50 PM

At the moment you sound as if you are confused about the feelings you have towards him. If you have sexual Feelings for him then you may be gay. If you have more of a friendship feeling towards him then you may love him as a brother. If you do feel sexual feelings for him try to explain to him how you feel towards him and see if he is feeling the same. Sometimes it is normal to have a crush on the same sex as you, it doesn't always mean that you are gay. Just explore your feelings a little more and be yourself.