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SEO Repeating image map alt attribute? - Printable Version

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SEO Repeating image map alt attribute? - Johnson - 05-11-2014 11:57 PM


I have a few question about seo.

My site has 4 pages. Every page has like 7 <area /> for a map to choose clickable area of image.
So every <area /> has alt="free estimate" set.

Is this bad for google seo? Will it make better if I set different value for alt?
I read that google doesnt like image map, but it's ok to use.
I need this for usability purpose, so I can't take it off.

Thank you
Let me make it more clear,

I'm just using one image with one map made of 10 <area shape="circle" cords="whatever" alt="free estimate" />.
All these 10 areas have same alt.

- j k - 05-12-2014 12:05 AM

It can actually be good for SEO, if it is used correctly. Using the same alt= across several images is useless.

If it's clickable, then use the alt= with keywords for the page it will go to. But don't be spammy about it.

- mgwalk - 05-12-2014 12:17 AM

In my opinion I would place text links at the bottom of the image map along with the ALT tags.

This tool does it for you.