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Why today's young generations act the way they do.? - Printable Version

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Why today's young generations act the way they do.? - 425 - 05-12-2014 10:24 AM

Compared to past generations, why do young people of today need to always express themselves with tattoos, hide in some Facebook or Twitter world so they can have a massive amount of "friends" or block out everything completely under music playing into their headphones 24/7.
Alot more young guys especially today are physically bigger and stronger, but mentally they are really "pussifed" and easily offended, sometimes resorting in acts of violence if you dare disagree with them. Where are the parents? I know many single parents who raise their kid(s) well. So what are wrong with you parents who cannot teach your idiot son to pull up his pants or teach them that they aren't going to get whatever they want and stop acting like spoiled babies. Back in the day, parents were concerned that band like "The Beatles" could be a bad influence. Today, kids are listening to alot of gangster crap and parents just look away. Maybe get off your butts and start parenting??? Set rules?? Oh, wait, you were never told their parenting involved responsibility so that you son or daughter does not grow up being a spoiled brat or criminal? Yeah, so it comes down to all you lazy parents who did not think about the result them you took your clothes off and 9 monsths later you had a future skin-head with pants sagging around his knees and arms full of tattoos complaining that you do not respect his right to express himself. Great job of responsibility.

- Soulo - 05-12-2014 10:25 AM

"Compared to past generations, why do young people of today need to always express themselves with tattoos"

Yeah, like no 40 year old has tattoos... no 40 year old is a tattoo artist. Scarification never existed in any cultures, ever... *end sarcasm*

"sometimes resorting in acts of violence"

Then why have assault rates and homicide rates been going down for years in Western countries?
- Assaults = 440.5 in 1993; 324.0 in 2000; 290.8 in 2005; and 242.3 in 2012. 
- Homicide = 9.5 in 1993; 5.5 in 2000; 5.6 in 2005; and 4.7 in 2012. 

"Where are the parents?"

Ain't that the older generations fault? How you gon blame kids who have s...t parents?

"who cannot teach your idiot son to pull up his pants"

Yes because sagging pants makes someone a bad person... *end sarcasm*. Who are you, Billy O'Reilly?

Aside from you being a self-righteous, judgmental, conceited human being... movies, music, TV shows, are all regulated by the rich capitalists you prolly think are "sophisticated" and "good human beings", even tho they are the scum of the Earth for creating inequality.

- shamaamah - 05-12-2014 10:31 AM

Great question I feel it's the genre I hate it too!
I really miss the old things when life was just SIMPLE Sad

- . - 05-12-2014 10:42 AM

Each generation seems to ask this type of question. I am convinced that its nothing more than a generation gap.