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Is this considered insensitive? - Printable Version

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Is this considered insensitive? - Mischa Smythe - 05-12-2014 10:32 AM

Well. This guy i met from my sports club. He added me on facebook and we talked a bit online. I confessed there that i had a crush on him, and he seemed keen and said he wanted to go on a date.

So we met up for coffee. Couple of days later i went to his house. We chatted. He kissed me on the lips twice, and also kissed me on both cheeks.

He would often flirt with me on facebook. I was unable to see him for a couple of weeks, as we both had commitments.

Then i see his relationship status change on facebook to in a relationship with this other girl. He then sent me a msg saying he met a girl on the weekend and things had progressed fast. I immediately removed him from facebook and sent him a txt saying i didn't want to see him again. He said he thought we were good friends.

Was this really insensitive of him to do this or am i overreactng. I personally think it is a low act but wanted to know other opinions.

- andy c - 05-12-2014 10:36 AM

By the laws of current society, one is allowed to date multiple people, keeping prospects open, so to speak.
You weren't there, she was. Removing someone from FB can be seen as improper.
Perhaps the insensitivity is yours.

Sorry it didn't work out, but you shouldn't let sour grapes get tossed when the may make good raisins in the future.

- Edgar - 05-12-2014 10:39 AM

cause he didn,t get into you knickers the first time, he moved on that's what some boys do.

- 921 - 05-12-2014 10:50 AM

Hi Mischa,

No I think you were perfectly within your rights

to end it with this guy.

Because he could have levelled with you yet didn't, and even taking

in to account the ideas that you can't really own people, I think it

was very poor of him to conceal this and to have acted this way!

Good Luck & Best Wishes.

Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours.

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