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How am I meant to react to a friend who got engaged after a month of dating? - Printable Version

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How am I meant to react to a friend who got engaged after a month of dating? - Newman - 05-12-2014 01:40 PM

I have a friend that met up with a guy from online dating. She 'has a boyfriend' within 1 date. This is the girl that has been desperate to meet someone, get engaged, married and have babies.(she is 32) She falls hard and fast. She needs constant attention, via text, calls. Even from her friends. She will date a guy she 'really likes' and thinks is 'amazing' and then it doesnt work out. Somehow she then goes out another date (often the next day) and then meets another 'amazing' guy. Like really?? another one...But that doesnt work. SHe will even go back to guys she has previously met and it didnt work out in case maybe she missed something. She is a good person, fun, funny, but very needy for attention. Well the latest guy seems to give her the attention she needs. Obviously likes her as much as she likes him...she has met his parents and vice versa. Weelll...for her birthday, her new boyfriend, her new 'love', took her away for the weekend, and proposed!!! She said yes!! On facebook, it seem her friends all have supported her, through nice comments, and 'likes'. I have not met the guy, but I am overseas...only a few of her best friends have either. basically, how am I meant to react?? Am I meant to support this when I dont? But I hate to be the Debbie Downer, but I feel I am rationale. Maybe I can suggest a long engagement? Any thoughts? Am I bad friend? I am also single, maybe I am being bitter and I dont realize it??

- Witch Chick - 05-12-2014 01:45 PM

just be honest with her about your feelings and concerns
there's not really much more you can do
I new a girl that was even m ore desperate
she wanted to borrow one of my sons to take to an x
to tell him it was his kid and she wanted to get married

when it gets to that buy a straightjacket for her!

- Brian - 05-12-2014 01:59 PM

Regardless of how much they are "in love." It is not unreasonable for you to be concerned. A month is not enough time for two people to really get to know one another. In my opinion, a friend would like the Facebook status and pull out the calendar. However, a *good* friend would have a serious 1 on 1 with her and make sure she knows what she is getting herself into.

- Barbara B - 05-12-2014 02:10 PM

My mother and father met and married within 6 weeks. Sure, there were ups and downs - but they worked through them.

A copule of years ago, Dad died.It was on their 65th wedding anniversary.

- Ricardo - 05-12-2014 02:20 PM

Has she asked for your judgment or opinion? If not, then don't give it. Your choice is to accept and go to her wedding or not. Whether you approve or not may not change what she does. Your disapproval will only alienate her. So keep your mouth shut. If she asks, you can say it seems quite sudden and you were surprised but that is as much as you should say.

- Julia35 - 05-12-2014 02:32 PM

I am sure she has heard a lot of honesty from her other friends and family. Do you think she will listen to them. Probably not. If she is 32 she will not change her needy behavior. She is probably depsperate to have kids. That is why she is rushing into this. She will make her own decision and not listen to you. No matter how much advice you give her. That is not going to change her mind.

My brother in law has the same behavior. He got so desperate he married a Vietnam bride after 2 weeks. He met her online. I warned him about it. He would not listen. He now is unhappy. And has been married a year and they both already talk of divorce.

Your friend will learn on her own, they all do.