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My ex ruined my confidence and self esteem and treated me horribly help? - Printable Version

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My ex ruined my confidence and self esteem and treated me horribly help? - brunette babe - 05-12-2014 01:45 PM

My ex started off a nice guy then became more and more up himself because he goes to the gym got a really good body and started getting loads of attention in the end he was horrible with me made me feel like im nothing and he can do so much better. basically alot happened in the end and he broke up with me and blocked me off everything then i found out a few days after something serious happened to me he slept with someone else.

He told me he doesnt want me and hes happy with the way he is now just sleeping about and getting loads of attention while im left alone and he does so much more for these other girls aswell. i dont know anything more because he blocked me off everything a month ago and i havent seen or spoke to him since. im trying to get over him but now i feel like im not enough because he treated me the way he did also he is the only person ive ever slept with i just feel so bad about myself.

My confidence is ruined and when i get attention of other guys it makes me feel bad because it reminds me of the attention he didnt give me i want to completely move on and bring my confidence up ive started going to the gym a few times a week and im starting on a juice diet soon i just always feel like i need to be better and that im never going to find anyone else because he made me feel like he was above and better than me and i dont know how to lower my standards any advice??

Also i used to look at the girls he was speaking to photos on facebook ive stopped myself from doing that now because all it did was hurt me and make me feel worse as he neve really paid attention to my photos on facebook but likes all theirs. I thought it was pathetic carrying on looking at their profiles because i dont know them and all it did was hurt me so i dont do that anymore.

Here is a photo off me what is wrong with me (please dont delete or report the question)
btw im only 17 im 18 next month

- Hisoka - 05-12-2014 01:49 PM

Don't let them get to you. You're YOU. Nothing can get rid of YOU. Practice good hygine and stay healthy, practice smiling and lay off the makeup. Go get a natural blow of new hairstyle! Try to get what matches you. Try talking to yourself in the mirror, sounds stupid but it helps, and go find some new friends! If your ex is bothering you, look like you don't care. Looking for boys? Men love the bold kind, some like shy, its your preference. Never, ever change yourself. Go get a cat, they help you when you get sad.

- Sergio - 05-12-2014 02:04 PM

I smell a troll... lol