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How do you know if someone likes you? - Printable Version

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How do you know if someone likes you? - 607 - 05-12-2014 09:09 PM

There's this boy in my class, he's always trying to talk to me, always looking at me, my friend thinks he likes me but I'm not sure😐 He pops up to me on fb or kik sometimes, but I'm really not sure! Help!

- hola - 05-12-2014 09:13 PM

If your interested on him, talk to him!
Probably yes he likes you, but they arent to much details! Wink

- painter - 05-12-2014 09:29 PM

"How do you know if someone likes you" ???

How do you know what day of the week it it ???

How do I tie up my shoelaces ???

Simple !!! You go and ask, you young people seem to think that everything is "Rocket Science" It's not.

- Liana - 05-12-2014 09:44 PM

I agree with Hola. If you like him, go and talk to him and ask him. I always know if a boy like me. I get the gut feeling. It is just something in the way they look at you. One is the normal way a guy looks at a girl, one is the flirty way and one is the I-want-you way. And I can just tell when they give that I-want-you way look. The biggest sign is if he stares at you. If he doesn't stare at you then there is no reason to find out about other signs. Just try to be friends with him and ask him. It'll be easy for you and for him too. Good Luck! Smile