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is organic SEO Needed by the automotive Industry? - Printable Version

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is organic SEO Needed by the automotive Industry? - Bryan S - 05-12-2014 11:42 PM

Is organic SEO Needed by the automotive Industry or should they just continue to put all their internet net advertising dollars in PPC and buy leads from carsites?

- jomy j - 05-12-2014 11:55 PM

Organic SEO is very important for any kind of industry and natural search engine optimization requires the help of some professional search engine experts. PPC cannot be ruled out. Please visit more information on organic seo.

- sak-daddy - 05-13-2014 12:01 AM

Many OEMs do optimize at the national/corporate level. Search for a Nissan Sentra and you'll get Nissan. It's at the dealer/local level that SEO is lacking.

The dealer sites are built on platforms that are not search friendly, typically provided by just one of a few vendors. For them to become optimized they'll need to replace these sites (or optimize around them).

- Webmaster S - 05-13-2014 12:15 AM

Organic results most of time not enough you should go for ppcs.

- responder5 - 05-13-2014 12:17 AM

The one word answer is YES Smile
Few of the reasons why SEO needed for Automotive industry,
- SEO results are long lasting
- In the present economic environment, people want to have MORE for their every single spend/investment. SEO is one of the best solutions as its results do not go disappear unlike when you pause a PPC campaign.
- Particularly in the automotive industry, the ROI is high when compared to other methods of marketing, this is because the cost of SEO is fraction when compared to other marketing methods like PPC, print & tv.
- When you hire an SEO company who has a good track record, you can be sure of your success.
- PPC method require you to pay for every single visitor you get to your website and does not guarantee any conversion, this means you are paying for each visit even if its not converting in to a lead/sale. In SEO you pay for the keywords to be on TOP and all the traffic that you get from this method of marketing.
- A balance of on-page and off-page marketing is necessary for every website and the amount of the effort, the strategy differs as no two websites are the same.

If you are a automotive dealer or manufacturer and looking for SEO company, then I would suggest you to Google. Also, enquire with in your industry for those companies that has the reputation and good track record.

The major problem with the SEO campaigns are THE SEO's, yes If you are unable to find the right SEO company or Individual then you are doing nothing but wasting your money. So your success depends on the SEO professional. I wish you all the best for your company and for your search for an SEO company.

Also remember to find the SEO company that has worked for your niche as they knows more than those SEO companies who are new to your niche.

I have found this company when I did some research on this topic for you.
I see they are the market leaders in web design, web marketing and SEO promotion of automotive website. I said this after reading this article

When they are providing their services to manufacturers like Lexus, bmw then I am sure they are the right company for your automotive Industry specific.

I see the company is serving both the groups, I mean car dealers as well as bike dealers. As, I am not sure which group you meant to be and either of them you can find more info or suggestions from that company.

Note: I am no way affiliated nor owned the above specified company.