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How can i host my own website? - Printable Version

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How can i host my own website? - Jane S. - 05-13-2014 03:23 AM

I want few steps on web sites.
1st scenario: I have a PC and i have xampp installed on my windows 8 machine. i know it is not good place to host your site from, but i use it for practicing atm. But i would like to hear is it technically possible to hhost a real web page on my computer and how can one do that.
2nd scenario: If i by server machine, what would be procedure to host my website (do i need to install some web server operating system or i can install for example windows 7 or what?) If i pay domain how do i set it up on my server?
Do i use my server for storing application and mysql db? do i use XAMPP or not?

It woudl be best if someone could walk me through procedure from beginning to the end, provided i am starting with only one laptop and a whole bunch of enthusiasm.

thanks in advance.

- Tyler - 05-13-2014 03:25 AM

You can always use .tk as a first website so that you can test your success, before you pay for a domain.
If you buy a server system, like a VPS, then all you do is download the remote access so that you can enter the info of the server, and it will open up another computer used only for the server.
All you do is copy and paste the server onto the VPS, load it up, and there you go.
I coded RSPS for about 2 years, so I only saying what I've done. Hope I've helped!

- 693 - 05-13-2014 03:41 AM

I think you may want to at least initially look at shared hosting. You do not need a dedicated machine or server for your average website. Unless you have traffic numbers which are huge, all you need is a shared hosting plan and a domain name. Learning to set up a machine at home is completely different to configuring a real server.

We have a series of articles detailing the basics of website and hosting, feel free to check it out -

If you would like to look into creating a simple hosting account and getting started feel free to contact us we will be happy to assist you get your first websites up and running.