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Planet side 2 is soooo laggy? - Printable Version

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Planet side 2 is soooo laggy? - 953 - 05-13-2014 09:34 AM

it is so laggy
i ahve 16 GB RAM and Very powerful graphics card and INTEL I7 processors and gaming PC. even Black oops II is works in HD in my PC very fin. how can i stop that lag
please help i am also playing low Q

- Logan - 05-13-2014 09:46 AM

Get a new game, get better wifi!

- Taylor - 05-13-2014 09:52 AM

It might be a server problem. Or maybe your wifi connection is having issues?
Try restarting your modem, or checking online forums to see if others are having similar issues.

- Nick Gillotti - 05-13-2014 09:55 AM

Are you sure its not your internet connection or the PS2 servers? Big games like PS2 require a lot of bandwidth, so if you have a dip in your connection, or there is a problem with the servers, you can run into issues. Also, your not being very specific by saying "very powerful graphics card" and "gaming PC", that could mean just about anything. But, considering I can run PS2 on my super crappy work laptop at low settings, I would think that its nothing to do with your PC if your running on low settings. Do a connection speed test and go from there.

- Lucca - 05-13-2014 10:06 AM

Internet, my computer is very good too, it can play singleplayer games flawlessly, but it sucks on online games because of the internet, either pay more for a better internet, lower the graphics or just give up and go play another game.