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Which is better, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome? - Printable Version

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Which is better, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome? - RJ - 05-13-2014 12:39 PM

Which is better, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome?

- Peter G - 05-13-2014 12:44 PM

I use and prefer Mozilla firefox. end of story

- younglad - 05-13-2014 12:59 PM

Three years ago Mozilla was better but now Chrome is the best bcoz it is faster than mozilla.

- Max - 05-13-2014 01:02 PM

I prefer Mozilla Firefox

- 448 - 05-13-2014 01:03 PM

I use both. They are both good. I do have Google
Chrome as my preferred browser. I usually have
both open and switch back and forth between the

- simon - 05-13-2014 01:09 PM

At the moment there are a few problems with chrome one is the searcnu virus. Biut also it seems to be very vulnerable to corruption and various security issues have come to light. It also adds running services to the start up group namely google update thseres 2 which serves no purpose other than it would seem to collect YOUR data.

FF is slower but only slightly I can live with that, it integrates nicely with IDM and has a nice selection of open source add ons unlike chrome where a lot of them are totally superfluous.

So there is no point saying which one is better unless you state the reason why, if you are deciding. I recommend installing both and When I say FF I mean the new one Nightly, and it does work very nicely on 64 bit platforms.

If you install FF wait for a while the performance will improve once the memory cash and prefetch has got data.

Windows 8 definetly FF.

- mrbenz - 05-13-2014 01:20 PM

It depends, better in what term?
As I am a user who has tendency to open dozens of tabs, I've experienced both pro and cons for Chrome and Firefox.

Chrome is faster than Firefox when browsing with single or low number of tabs. It's simpler too if you somehow need to free up some memory since Chrome separate the process for each tab (you can check on Task Manager). But, if you have a lot of tabs, Chrome started to become uncomfortable. You can notice that the tabs getting smaller to give spaces for other tabs to the point that the tabs is way too small for even an icon and you have no way to identify which tab is which.

Firefox is slower (or so what people said), yet it handles multiple tabs quite well. It's looks like Firefox favoring the "Multiple Tab" users. They limit the tabs minimum size and give them scroll effect, we can see list of tabs from a drop down menu, and they add "Tabs Group" feature since v4.0 (really love that updates). When handling multiple tabs, Firefox is faster than Chrome (I once tested it with 50 tabs on each). But the problem arises when you need to free up some memory. Since Firefox only use 1 process, it will be though to check which tab is eating the most memory. On the light side, we can easier check how many memory it used from Task Manager.

Firefox do have other positive value, which is customization. Fire fox has a lot of way to customize it looks. From grouping your tabs, add and remove toolbar icons, reposition the toolbar and it's icon, give a theme to your Firefox, to the most important one, add-ons. With add-on, you can add extra functionality to your Firefox which ultimately will make certain tasks easier.

So, in the it depends on what you need, single and fast browser? or Heavy yet easily customizable and tough browser? (though I don't think Firefox is that heavy)

As for me, I use mostly Firefox since I'm using a lot of tabs (I have a record of 120 open tabs). I also like the add-on on Firefox.
But if you only want to use it as a simple browser, use chrome.

- Rise - 05-13-2014 01:33 PM

Chrome is faster - it is more lightweight and has a better JavaScript engine. Firefox has more features because of addons. I personally like it Google chrome more. As its easier to use and its less complex. Mozilla is still a great browser.

- Jorchking *DBFan* - 05-13-2014 01:39 PM

Experts of technology choice Firefox, because is the most safe, the most comfortable (Because have a lot of complement and are VERY easy to install, in Chrome is a little more difficult), have more sites-compatibility comparing with Chrome, the one difference is than Chrome is a little more faster, but to calificate a Browser you need to review all the aspects not only the speed because if you only review the speed of the browser you're an ignorant.

- coolmegg - 05-13-2014 01:46 PM

Mozilla Firefox used to be the top dog in the browser world. A lot of people used it and it was undoubtedly the top browser on the Internet, because it was the only browser besides Internet Explorer (and opera, but opera sucked) and it had amazing customizable features like addons and themes, best part was that you could easily make your own.

Nowadays though, a few years after Firefox's debut, Google Chrome steps in, and is the now undeniably the quintessential browser of our time, thus far. it is unbelievably faster, lighter, and even more customizable than Firefox. Not to mention that it's backed up by Google, the largest Internet company on the planet, they have thousands of developers working on Chrome, compared to less than a hundred people working on Firefox. Overall, you will be much happier with Chrome, it is just better than firefox in every regard.