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Google chrome wont load any pages? - Printable Version

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Google chrome wont load any pages? - 396 - 05-13-2014 05:19 PM

When i open google chrome and begin to load a page it fails

The spinning animation spins in the anticlockwise direction (not loading) and does not stop unless I tell it to.

Also IE8, Firefox and safari all work fine but in my opinion are poor web browsers.

If it is relevant: safari sometimes fails to open a page once i google something nd click on the link, it goes a random URL and says it cont open it.
When reinstalling it still fails

- Odin K - 05-13-2014 05:35 PM

I would guess that it isn't installed properly. I would recommended reinstalling Chrome. If that doesn't work I would suggest visiting Google Chrome's help forums:

- Dorina - 05-13-2014 05:46 PM

ohhh no don't install it again it wont do nothing!!! i tried nothing changed!!!!