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why does my computer keep crashing? - Printable Version

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why does my computer keep crashing? - 813 - 05-13-2014 10:30 PM

my computer keeps crashing and turning off. the screen turns off, and i dont know why. then everything on google chrome is saying that it has crashed like the apps and websites too.. and my computer says i have no memory and i need to restart all programs, but dont know how... please help!!!

- Joshua - 05-13-2014 10:44 PM

It could be -
1) A virus
2) overheating issues. (try downloading hwmonitor and checking the temps if you can)
3) bad memory
4) other bad components
5) software conflicts
6) driver issues

- Juan Talavera - 05-13-2014 11:00 PM

Try defragging your Hard disk drive(storage). To do this, go to your start menu or hit the start button and type:


There should be a program at the top of the list named drfg or something similar to 'defragger'. If you're having trouble with finding the program try a Google search on windows built-in defragger.

If you did find it select it and hit enter. You should see a window now with your drives(storage drives like the hard disk drive) listed. Select your disk (mainly your C:\ Drive) and defrag it.

***NOTE: This will take a long time depending on how fragmented your drive is. Leave your computer on overnight as it defrags the drive/disk. By the next morning, your PC should be running faster. If not, please have a look at Joshua's answer. Do a Google search on everything he listed. It'll help you get your PC back. Smile

EDIT: Just because I'm bored out of my mind, I'll type up a virus removal tutorial in the "sources" section.