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is it possible for SEO experts to get a website to #1 on google? - Printable Version

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is it possible for SEO experts to get a website to #1 on google? - orangeskymusic - 05-13-2014 11:25 PM

an individual contacted me recently saying that he could get me to #1 on google rankings if someone searched for my services in my city.

is it possible for him to guarantee such a claim?

- Just Call me AJ - 05-13-2014 11:26 PM

No not really. They can get you higher up, but you can do that yourself.
It's all to do with what you put in your meta names and tags in the website, so choose things relevant to your site and only your site that you think people will search for.
I run the website for the band Go West, and I've never paid anyone or advertised anywhere, but if you type Go West into the google search bar mine is the first site that comes up.

They had a bloke from google on the radio once and he said to make your site appear higher it needs to be very specific, so if you're doing a site for bob the plumber, the site must only be about bob the plumber.

- responder5 - 05-13-2014 11:29 PM

1. It is possible for an SEO professional (who has experience) to get a website on top #1 of Google search results for the selected keyword phrases.

2. Regarding the guarantee, this is something entirely based on their experience and expertise. However, you can opt an SEO company that offers a money back guarantee (at least 40 - 60%) if they could not achieve what they promised to.

3. Pay on results, for example: if the SEO quote is $1500 for the whole task and requires 6 months to get the desired results, then you can ask for a pay on results type contract. Where you pay the SEO company/professional a fixed agreed amount when you see the site in the first 100 results. Then you pay a fixed amount when he gets the site to Top 50 results. Pay some amount when the site gets to Top 20 position, Top 10, and With in Top 3 position and final payment for Top #1

This is to the other member who replied here
If you think it's all about putting/stuffing your website meta tags with relevant words, then that's obsolutely rubbish. If that's how simple it is, why do you think Yahoo! have an SEO manager? and do you think companies are just wasting their investment on hiring SEO experts?

Your answer clearly shows your lack of knowledge on this, no offense but when you have no idea about what you are talking, I guess you should at least consider not to answer.

Last but not least, there are many factors for the website "Go west" for being on top search results. Few of them are;
- It has no competition in it's niche
- The domain name and search term is an exact match (go west ->
- It's an official band site, so where on earth will it have compeition?
- Google gives more weightage to official websites from that of secondary or third party sites of the same niche.

- sunnybee - 05-13-2014 11:33 PM

Well, yes, it's easy for an experienced optimiser to get you to number 1 in google BUT you have to be very clear about what they mean.

First, there are some people who are unsure of the difference between organic results and sponsored results (pay-per-click).

Secondly, assuming that we are sure that the offer refers to organic results, it depends on the keywords that are used to reach the top spot. For example, it's easy to be top with an obscure phrase that matches your domain name, such as jiggly-wotsits-ely, but really difficult to reach page 1 with a more competitive phrase, such as 'used cars Liverpool'. Remember that a lot of money to your business may be a very small percentage of a large company's budget.

As a general rule, if you want a business service, try to use one that is recommended by people you know and respect, otherwise do your own research. If people have time to sell to you, question whether it is in your best interest or theirs. (Apologies for the cynicism but I have 20 years experience of running a small business.)

- Tedel - 05-13-2014 11:39 PM

In strict theory, yes, he can get a #1 position in Google. The problem is not just getting it, though. It is keeping it.

All in all, many so-called SEO experts (honestly, that's about 98% of the SEO guys and girls out there) will get you to the #1 position in Google using unethical tricky ways. They will get their dough and then leave. It will be you who will deal with the consequences of future penalizations.

True SEO workers will not make such an arrtogant claim. They will explain you SEO is a slow process which usually bring its first results in between 4 and 10 months.

- Jane E - 05-13-2014 11:53 PM

It is entirely possible to get a site to number one for a particular keyword, but impossible to guarantee it.
It depends broadly on your competition.

When you are looking for an SEO firm, you want to be talking in terms of qualified traffic instead of google positions.
Your google rank is part of the equation, but there are many variables involved. Many of these people who guarantee you number 1 will rank you for a useless keyword, ie one that does not bring any traffic.

- Discussion Online - 05-14-2014 12:05 AM

Hello Friend

Of course it is possible for an SEO expert to rank your website on 1st position in Google for your city easily. And other thing is that with the help of SEO you will get good number of traffic and visitors as well as queries for your business.
You can contact individually or also can visit any SEO company like

- Tanya Anand - 05-14-2014 12:13 AM

ya a experienced optimizer can do that but it is not possible that you always ranked on #1 on google you with in days you can go down.

- Arslan - 05-14-2014 12:29 AM

yes they can but it has to be a real seo expert not fake.

- al a - 05-14-2014 12:31 AM

if you want your website #1 you can work your own, keep in mind that some good fresh contents and good quality link can do this.