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Should I reconnect with my friend after a nasty fall out? - Printable Version

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Should I reconnect with my friend after a nasty fall out? - Marley - 05-14-2014 01:40 AM

Three years ago I had a fall out with my best friend since childhood. We were always together, and I did everything for her, drove her everywhere, let her borrow clothes, paid for her when we went places...ect. Unfortunately she became jealous of me, I hate that she did, I never meant to make her feel that way. But I had looks that she envied and things that she didn't. Like a car, a nice living arrangement and so on. So she called me sister one night and told her that I made her feel bad about herself and to tell me she no longer wanted to be my friend. Three years later and she still stalks me on social media and tweets hating on me and making fun of me. She dose this daily. I am a softy, so I am able to look past all the mean things she says about me and I wonder if the truth is she misses me? I am torn between wishing I never met her some days and other days I miss her. I have struggled with making friends since our fall out. :/ maybe I am getting desperate but should I try to be her friend again? My family is against it but they don't understand how hard it's been to get close with other girls..I just can't find a best friend and I miss that connection.

Thank you so much if you read this and thank you even more if you leave your opinion !

- two sheds - 05-14-2014 01:42 AM

No. You should not reconnect.

- Joey - 05-14-2014 01:56 AM

If your friend keeps on hurting you and insulting you then you would just be better off without her. You should at least try to get closer with other friends. Maybe a neighbor. Hope this helps!

- 487 - 05-14-2014 02:08 AM

Let me get this right, this "friend" stalks you & tweets that she hates you but you think she misses you? You are so stupid it is unbelievable, either that or you are a Y!A troll posting this for a reaction. You need real friends not this messed up person. Stop trying to find a best friend, better to have a circle of friends.

- Mircat - 05-14-2014 02:15 AM

Well all you did before was bribe her to be your friend why can't you bribe someone else? You did a fairly good job of buying her friendship but you could have done more.

I did everything for her (but did you give her jewelry)
Drove her everywhere (you could have bought her a car or co-signed a car loan)
Let her borrow clothes (why not give her cash so she could buy her own)
Paid for her when we went places (why not give her a credit card you load with cash so she had the feeling she was paying for herself)

She eventually didn't appreciate it and dumped you. Now you are saying you don't have anyone to worship you so you think you want her back. Maybe the two of you are meant for each other. Just spend more money on her this time and maybe she'll stick around longer. Having a stalker is so flattering isn't it? Make you feel wanted and loved? Heck you know those hateful things she says on social media and Tweets are just code words for miss you, love you, want you to be my bff. Everyone knows that so go to the ATM and load up on cash and go get her!