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I need opinions of Ask.Fm? - Printable Version

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I need opinions of Ask.Fm? - ebob001 - 05-14-2014 01:52 AM

For a school project, I need to raise awareness about Ask.Fm and the cyber bullying website it has become.
Please answer this question with your opinions of Ask.Fm and whether you believe it should be closely monitored, closed down or left as it is.
It would also be useful if you could mention your age or if you're an adult/teen.
I would like to ask people on Yahoo because I would like a random selection of people to get feedback from.
For more info about Ask.Fm before you post an opinion, click here

Thank you

- MonopolyShoe - 05-14-2014 01:54 AM

Personally I believe that websites like these provide a platform for bullying - yet even if you banned the site the issue would still exist and it is likely that a similar site would crop up in its place.

Ultimately it is people's choice to use these kinds of websites and while I'm not saying that they're asking for it, it seems silly to continue being a part of the site if you're experiencing bullying.

I think it needs closer monitoring by the website, however children's parents are also responsible for finding out what their children are up to whilst online (especially under age 14). Whether this is through checking internet history or sitting with them on the computer it must be done in order to protect their children online.

I'm 21 (female)