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is it ok to be dating a 14year old if im 16!!? - Printable Version

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is it ok to be dating a 14year old if im 16!!? - Gabby - 05-14-2014 02:11 AM

Hey guys!Smile
So I'm going to get straight into things here!Smile
So I met this really amazing guy at my local church/youth! Smile and this was about a year back!Smile
He kind of just caught my eye!and I realised I have him on facebook!so I asked him for his number and we started speaking!! In about july?+- 2013 we started sitting next together at church and speaking a lot on the phone!and while we sit next to eachother our legs are usually touching...(you know that leg thing you do with your bf or gf when eating dinner or whatever...if u dont....its like your foot is in between hers/his...kind of thing!)And I've sort of developed these strong feelings for him...I'm turning 17 and he is turning 15! is it ok for me to date him? Should I go for it?...
Please don't judge!or hate!All I've ever gotten on this site is hate so guys please help me out here!!ill pick the best answer...
Thank U!
My height is only 1.4 so I'm really really short!!so I've been pointed out to look like a 12year we shouldn't have a prob with going out in public! Also he is really mature!more mature than most guys of my I have noticed!

- C.O.D - 05-14-2014 02:12 AM

Not to sound like I'm hating.... but I really don't think that you should be dating a 14 -15 year old. NOTE: This is not because I am against the 2-3 year age difference per say, but it is because this fella is 14/15. At that age, he has a boat load of growing up to do and frankly, you really want to date a guy who is mature enough to be caring and supportive.

- Adriana - 05-14-2014 02:21 AM

Well if you like hem go for it

- Isaias - 05-14-2014 02:33 AM

Trust me, guys that young tend to be very immature. You could date him if you want, but think about the problems you'll be facing down the road.

- sab - 05-14-2014 02:41 AM

I don't think that is the best idea. I don't mean to sound judgmental, but he is young and all boys that young are immature. You can get someone older and more mature than a 14 year old. I'm sorry if this sounds mean but I'm 15 and I know how boys are at that age.

please answer my question