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Farm Bureau Car Insurance question? - Printable Version

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Farm Bureau Car Insurance question? - 833 - 05-14-2014 02:15 AM

Hi, I am wanting to go and get my full license, I'm suppose to be added to my dad's car insurance before hand though, if he has to pay $70.00 more a month, will he have to pay 70 at the exact moment that im added ? Or is that charged when I am on the insurance a complete month.

- Caren - 05-14-2014 02:30 AM

the second you are added, your dads insurance will go up and he will have to pay the extra

- Kevin - 05-14-2014 02:40 AM

There is a billing cycle with most insurance companies. Depends on how FB is set up. And does dad pay monthly?

the increased premium may be effective today (as an example), but dad may not get the bill for several weeks. And that bill may be more or less than $70.

The FB agency staff could tell you. Call them.

- mbrcatz - 05-14-2014 02:53 AM

They'll send him a bill, either immediately, or increase his next monthly payment whenever it's due.