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How do I stop pages from nagging me if I REALLY want to leave? - Printable Version

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How do I stop pages from nagging me if I REALLY want to leave? - Alex - 05-14-2014 02:32 AM

I'm using Chrome as my browser and I keep running into this problem.

I go to a page thinking it's something interesting and it instead turns into a ranty video. Say for example I click on a link for solar power since I'm looking at a solar kit for my teardrop camper I'm building. Turns out that it's a video for someone ranting on how evil the power companies are and how I should go off the grid and it's narrated by a person who could bore for his country.

I go to close the page tab and I get a notification saying "do I really want to leave this page?" and usually has a blurb (sometimes very lengthy)and won't let me close the tab, won't let me click on another tab, won't let me close the browser until I either click on "leave this page" or hit the task manager and kill Chrome totally.

Normally I'd just hit "Leave Page", and have done but that annoying thing happens more and more frequently and I literally once had a dozen pages open and EVERYONE of them required me to "Leave Page" to close them down.

Is there a setting or an extension that can disable that crap and allow me to shut off a page tab when and where I want?
@Whaddup Dawg? - Go troll somewhere else please.

@Raisa - 1. Alt-F4 didn't work. 2. Even if it did work, I'm not always in a position where I want to do that. If I have multiple pages open and only one of them is locked I don't want to have to try and find the other pages by digging through my history.

I'm looking for a setting or an extension that will prevent any of these pages from bothering me again. EVER.
@Dominic - thanks for the suggestion, but the sites in question are sneaky. In order to disable the script that keeps you locked to the site is also the script needed to VIEW the page.

- Dominic - 05-14-2014 02:43 AM

Those messages are generated via JavaScript. It's possible to disable JavaScript in your web browser but there's a problem. The majority of the web sites today require JavaScript. Without it, sites like Google Maps simply don't function.

Maybe the noScripts extension would work for you.

It automatically blocks JavaScript and other potentially annoyances. If you want a site to run a certain feature then you can enable it manually from the Chrome address bar.

- Dominic