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Is she jealous? Why is she competing over him? - Printable Version

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Is she jealous? Why is she competing over him? - 296 - 05-14-2014 04:26 AM

ok... I went on 3 dates with a guy, who pursued me. This girl, started liking all of my statuses on face book which I thought was creepy, I had to block her from seeing my statuses. Eventually, He dumped me because I refused to have sex with him. He told me he had needs. Then a couple of weeks later, he started dating the girl I blocked. She kept mocking my statuses on face book,

I got into a relationship, so I deleted him and her- because I got tired of her bullying me. He sent a message afterward asking why we couldn't be friends, and was it because I was in a relationship , so I ignored it. This was the day after valentines day.

A week later, the girl I blocked, gets a mutual friend to call me and ask about my new boyfriend.--------> What is going on here?

- ty - 05-14-2014 04:40 AM

sounds like a bunch of drama that you sound too good for. Stay out of it.

- Dee - 05-14-2014 04:43 AM

He may have been involved with her all along. He broke up with you because you wouldn't give him what he wanted, so in turn, he most likely talked s..t about you as if you were the one pursuing him. Now, she thinks it's her "right" to harass you as much as she pleases. He thinks so too. I say, block them both and report them to FB. Set your page to private, case closed. Good luck

- Maria S - 05-14-2014 04:59 AM

What's going on is her and him is that they're crazy people! And apparently perfect for each other.

Get away......FAR AWAY from crazy people like this!!!
Do not talk to them, about them, nothing.

You can't fix crazy people! EVER!

- Keith - 05-14-2014 05:10 AM

What's going on is kids be kids. Be the mature one and keep your distance.