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How can I get my mom to stop using her Fb So Much? - Printable Version

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How can I get my mom to stop using her Fb So Much? - 666 - 05-14-2014 05:22 PM

Okay So I showed her how to make a Facebook. Huge motherfucken mistake -.-

First she had a Cheap Flip Phone , And that was the first phone for her to use Facebook in Cuz before that she had a Nokia lol so then she switched to a touch screen 4G Fröm metro. Omfg she would complain all the damn time about it being "SLOW" Like Stfu . It's just you that doesn't know how to use it. & so then she switched it again and she has the Galexy S4 . Really expensive phone . And she only bought it because they told her it was fast on the web and social networks. She's been addicted to Fb sense I was in 5th grade, now I'm in 7th . God. She's ALWAS on it. She can't even do basic stuff in the house because of that. And she sometimes doesn't even make dinner because of that. Like fuck. I just wanna throw that shit away. And I told her once and she looked at me with a bitchy look and Saaid " it's MY phone. I pay the Bills For it So Stfu. " litterly with an attitude it got me so pissed off I just slammed tha damn door infront of her face. Even my brothers told her but she's too busy worrying about Facebook. Gosh. How can I stop her from using it ? I know this was long ._. lol But please help me D: !!

- Tom - 05-14-2014 05:38 PM

Tell her she's become a bad parent and you "miss her" because she doesnt spend time with u any more and shit like that. Unless she's a total bitch she'll probably feel guilty about it.

- Aasrial - 05-14-2014 05:53 PM

Hahahaha what an ordeal. She's old and there's probably nothing you can do about it. Eventually she will have to put the phone down more often. But since she's your mom and she DOES actually pay the bills....there's not much you can do. She seems kind of stubborn so the only thing you could do is just ignore it.

- ap - 05-14-2014 06:10 PM

What the hell is she even doing on there thats taking up so much of her time? Even when facebook was at its peak (when you were probably in 1st or 2nd grade..), there wasnt enough stuff to do on there that would take up your entire day, make you neglect your kids, or forget to make dinner for your family. It sounds like your mom needs a serious psychiatrist because there IS a such thing as being addicted to texting or social media to an unhealthy mental state...If you have a father figure, what the hell is HE doing in the midst of this? he should be the first to recongize that she has a problem.. Get her help.

- zhr - 05-14-2014 06:20 PM

Have an intervention, cry, cry, cry like a newborn baby and tell her Facebook is ruining your life and tell her she's a bad mom.

- Cody - 05-14-2014 06:27 PM

It sounds like you mom has an addictive personality and doesn't care she's neglecting her children because of it.


Was she a good mom before FB? Did she ever miss making dinner or anything before her new obsession?

Tell her you feel bad when she picks FB over you. Say it makes you feel like you're not worth her time or effort. Say you want your MOTHER back. She needs to stop behaving like an irresponsible teenager.

But ultimately you cant force her to stop FB... I mean if you broke her phone, you'd just get in trouble and she'd eventually replace it. You could delete her FB account. But she'd just make another one...

Only thing you can do is try to show her how much her actions are affecting you and your siblings.

- Dragon - 05-14-2014 06:38 PM

Do nothing. As the time will pass she will get bored from it. There is limit to everything. Just inform her that if she keeps using whole day then the battery will die in a month or so or the phone may blast. And also tell her that cyber police keeps record of everyones activity. If she any one uses anything illegal then it will be problem.