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Why do I still love him despite what he's done? He has a new gf after 4 weeks! He's ALWAYS in a relationship but cheats. - Printable Version

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Why do I still love him despite what he's done? He has a new gf after 4 weeks! He's ALWAYS in a relationship but cheats. - 098 - 05-14-2014 10:52 PM

He put me through hell, yet he has a new girlfriend (after 3 weeks) and I'm upset! How can I forget him? Why do I feel hurt?
My ex/partner is in the Army. He is 25 & i am 21.

We broke up 2 weeks ago and he already has a new girlfriend! They have been to London! And have uploaded photos together!

When i first met my ex/partner, he promised me the world. He took me to central London & we stayed in a nice hotel etc.. He treated me like i never had been treated. He rang me every night etc.

Little did i know, he was in mountains of debt, & was still paying back payday loans and had bailiffs turning up to his house. A few months into the relationship i found myself paying for everything.. i had to drive up to London to his barracks to see him, pay for his food, go on nights out with him and pay, and holidays..

He is also a compulsive liar.

However, he would always talk to/sleep with other girls. He would go out and ring me, & when he was in his room i would hear another girl, then he would hang up. His friends have told me girls have stayed in his barracks on numerous occasions.

Why do I care he has a new girl?

I can't stop checking their facebooks to see if they have pictures together... Does this make me crazy?

I saw a picture of them together on Instagram and it made me feel physically sick!!

But WHY do I still love him after all of this hurt? How am I going to get over it all?!
I wish I could just delete him from my life. He probably isn't thinking about me

- Ryde,0n - 05-14-2014 11:03 PM

Very common ,,,,,,, and if he treated you really well you would become bored with him and have dumped him .

That's why it really doesn't pay to treat you broads the way you claim to want to be treated .

- southerngirl - 05-14-2014 11:10 PM

You said it! He put you through hell!! Do a victory dance that he is someone else's problem now and not yours!! Honey, a douche bag like that is not going to change for the new girlfriend, she is about to discover hell as well! You are free, go enjoy life!!

- DV-Ant - 05-14-2014 11:18 PM

The world's full of idiots,half of them female.