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How do i get my website to the top of Google? - Printable Version

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How do i get my website to the top of Google? - Sylvia - 05-15-2014 12:25 AM

I have been trying to find a quick, easy and money efficient way to get my website onto page 1 of Google.
Could anyone tell me how i could get my website onto page 1 without paying ridiculous rates? Thanks

- Jack - 05-15-2014 12:35 AM

You have to do something special which is not anywhere else. Then tell the world and wait a couple of months.

- Nick - 05-15-2014 12:40 AM

you can't, how do you think google makes thousands of dollars every second, buy selling first pages to people that can offord it

- Beth - 05-15-2014 12:43 AM

You can let Google know about your website by registering it in Google Webmaster Tools. Ensure that all your pages get indexed by creating a sitemap. Your website must also be optimized to make it rank high so that people will find it when searching.

- James - 05-15-2014 12:50 AM

This is a great question that every site owner struggles with and the truth is it is a number of things that will put you on page one. Landing at the top, or being the first choice for certain keywords, involves how much competition there is for that word. In other words, how many other people are vying for a position based on similar offerings. It is possible that you can find a word that is not being used by the competition that might help you place higher. However, no matter how great your keywords are, if your site isn't reflecting those keywords, then Google will not put you on top. If you have several links (some with anchor text using those keywords), Google gives you more value, which can help with your results. Google adwords certainly plays a huge role, which can be very expensive as you mentioned, but also very effective.

If you are in real estate, law or other highly competitive fields, it will take a huge effort to get to the first page. If you have a niche offering you are more likely to improve your search results.

Hope this is helpful.

- Peter - 05-15-2014 01:01 AM

There is quick, easy and money efficient way for going there. It's called - Google AdWords and you should create campagin and bid for the keywords.

Of course everything dependent from your keywords, niche, competitors, etc. So click can cost you cents or dollars. But it's quick, easy and money efficient.

There is slow, hard and money inefficient way - invest in better site with better content.

But i love both ways...

- aroberts10 - 05-15-2014 01:12 AM

You don't have to spend a lot of money to get to the top ranking on Google, it's not only the ones who can afford it, who get there. It's actually all to do with SEO which is a free marketing activity (in a round about way) which takes time but allows you to build an online presence through link building, content sharing and social media and will boost your google rankings. This type of work takes a lot of time and effort but is the most effective way to build a presence and promote your site. You can hire specialist SEO and PPC agencies to manage your online marketing activities for you, however there are also lots of useful blogs and articles around which help beginners with SEO and digital marketing.