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Have you ever dated a psychopath? - Printable Version

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Have you ever dated a psychopath? - K B Big Dawg - 05-15-2014 03:23 AM

I broke up with this guy very emotional and verbally abusing He text and emails me horrible thing... Then in Facebook am twitter post funny photos and quotes all the while sending me scathing emails
I am beginning to think he is a psychopath ... Has anyone ever dated a psychopath and what were your experiences ...

- Pineapplez - 05-15-2014 03:32 AM

I have. I broke up with him and he stalked me and continued texting me everyday wanting me back. Here is what you have to do. Block him on everything! Everything! Ignore him if you see him in person. He will then soon forget about you! Date new guys and you will forget about him.

- kat - 05-15-2014 03:45 AM

Talk to him and ask him why he's being horrible
And if he continues to be horrible to him try to ignore him the best you can..... but be nice.
That's what I did and me and my ex never talk anymore so that's good

- Roses - 05-15-2014 03:48 AM

My mom dated a really abusive guy out of high school. It's so weird (for me) to see how a parent's personality seriously influences their child's behavior.
Anyway, that mother ****** used to beat the **** out of my mom. And she had to climb out of windows to get away from him, he broke her knee. He totally would've killed her if my mom didn't get help when she did.
People like that are so sick, it's disgusting. They literally feed off of fear and negativity. And those are the weakest men to me; they'd get the **** beat out of them if they wanted to fight other men. So, they move on to women, who are mostly emotional and sensitive, so they can feel empowered.
Kind of like a person who abuses animals; if they did it to people, they'd have to fight back. But animals don't usually fight back, and that's what I find the sickest; is choosing battles with good people.

- Dee - 05-15-2014 04:02 AM

I have dated real sketchy guys, more egomaniacs, then psychopaths. But they are all equally evil nonetheless! So wicked, they aren't worth your time. Break away while you can and make yourself unavailable to him at all times. Good luck and be careful. Block him everywhere, change your cell if you can and he'll bother someone else soon enough.