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How to make someone follow you on twitter? - Printable Version

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How to make someone follow you on twitter? - Anonomyous - 05-15-2014 04:48 AM

Alright so I want my crush to follow me on twitter. I have been following her ever since I made my account (2 years ago), and I do reply to her tweets, and she does know I followed her. I cant entirely be sure she likes me back, I think she does, I'm not entirely sure. But I do have her number. We used to be friends on snapchat, but I made things awkward, so we arent friends there anymore, she doesnt follow me on instagram or twitter either. One time, she followed me for a second, and unfollowed me instantly. I reply to some to her tweets, and she knows. What can I do to make her follow me, so she cant get to know me better, for we only have one class a day together, and we dont have much time left together. We're about to end our junior year in high school, and I need all the points I can get with this girl, so we can finally be together. I noticed how she doesnt also follow a lot of people back as well. My tweets are amazing, idk what im doing wrong. I talk to her on the daily in real life, we never text, but still, why? And how can I make her follow me? Thanks in advance.

- Myrcial - 05-15-2014 04:54 AM

Ask her too face to face. easy

- Mike G - 05-15-2014 04:58 AM

You can't.