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Why is Adblock not working? - Printable Version

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Why is Adblock not working? - J. Frank Pinell - 05-15-2014 10:04 AM

This adblock seems a lot more trouble than it originally looked like. I must be doing something wrong....
I've installed it several times (because each time there was a 30 day free trial period, which I've been told shouldn't be). I've been told to go to and get it from there. That doesn't seem to work either. It seems to download OK but doesn't run. That little red stop sign is in the lower right hand side of my screen, although now it's gray in color -does that mean anything? People have told me that adblock doesn't work with I.E. (I think I've got IE 10) but it seems to run OK -for 30 days at least, a couple times. I see dozens of sites that say "download for internet explorer....". I also tried, on suggestion of my phone Co. this morning, a site called.....what was it.... c/net or ....something like that. It downloads but won't either install and/or run. What am I doing wrong yet?
Still no luck. Tried your idea stevo but maybe it's not even installing correctly. I did it again, even went on my "manage add-ons" and tried to disable/enable it and nothing would change when I clicked the dis/en able icon.
I keep getting a "repair" option which, whenever I click it, apparently changes nothing -even though it shows it's doing something. It doesn't repair anything apparently.
.....the stop sign symbol on the L.R. screen is gray in color which, correct me if I'm wrong, means it's off or not working.
The guy at the phone Co. insisted that adblock has nothing to do with youtube but it seems to take care of the ads there (at least it used to when it was working)

- Stevö© - 05-15-2014 10:10 AM

Adblock is open source there should be no trial. Try adblock + for IE.