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Internet Explorer "Waiting For" never connects? - Printable Version

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Internet Explorer "Waiting For" never connects? - anonymous - 05-15-2014 01:04 PM

So i need internet explorer to play games from aeria and i tried resetting internet explorer already. My problem is that no matter what website internet explorer just stays at Waiting for "Whatever website name". google chrome and firefox work just fine, can anybody help me out?

- Minister of Truth - 05-15-2014 01:19 PM

Post version of IE, like 11 the most recent, or 10, etc.

& operating system, like Win7, 8, Xp, etc.

I heard 11 was glitchy, so when it auto installed on my Win7, I uninstalled it and that automatically made 10 the browser again.

- XllYingYingllX - 05-15-2014 01:22 PM

IE? omg

- Mickel - 05-15-2014 01:26 PM

You can try to

1. Disable some Internet Explorer Add-Ons

2. Clean Computer Registry Keys

3. Uninstall & Reinstall Internet Explorer