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My friend posted an embarassing picture of me on instagram and she refuses to take it down? - Printable Version

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My friend posted an embarassing picture of me on instagram and she refuses to take it down? - 776 - 05-15-2014 01:53 PM

While my friend and I were facetiming she screenshotted me in the middle of a sentence and she filtered it to make my teeth look yellow and posted it. Only now she REFUSES to take it down. What should I do? I asked her and she said "no can do" so I blocked her and reported the picture under bullying . I talk to her later and she still refused to.worst part is that it already has 27 likes 😥

- Hillary - 05-15-2014 01:58 PM

I'm sure it's not that bad, just do the same to her Wink you must have a not so good photo of her that you could use as blackmail? Or something you hold over her hahaha. She'll probably take it down tomorrow anyway, happens all the time to me

- 48519 - 05-15-2014 02:14 PM

Report the picture.

- Texasboy16 - 05-15-2014 02:27 PM

Report the picture. And that's what you call a friend?