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whats going on with my macbook!? - Printable Version

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whats going on with my macbook!? - 940 - 05-15-2014 08:13 PM

ok so a lot of weird things have been happening to my macbook lately
videos wont work (youtube or other)
photobooth wont open
google chrome stopped working
i cant upload any photos on to twitter (idk if thats related)
when im on system preferences, it wont load the security or privacy pane.
and i dont even know what else
what the hell is going on!?

- SilverTonguedDevil - 05-15-2014 08:25 PM

TELL EXACTLY WHAT YOU HAVE. MacBook (old white case) is ancient. Is it OS 10.9.2 or 10.5.8?

Wild guess: too many forced-power off. That will cause file system errors.

Do all the normal routine computer checks....
– Boot to the "Applications Install DVD" by holding the D key for 45 seconds at startup.
– Disconnect all but the power adapter and test.
– Repair Disk with Disk Utility.
– Check for full startup disk (needs about 15% available space).
